5 Reasons I Roast My Own Coffee With a Popcorn Popper

5 Reasons I Roast My Own Coffee With a Popcorn Popper

Jun 1st 2011 Written by Kirk.williams
In only one year I have traversed several steps in the coffee process. It’s been a growing process and one in which I find myself most recently in the newest stage… a few weeks ago, I switched over from purchasing roasted beans to roasting my own. …
Compak K-10 Fresh - First Impression

Compak K-10 Fresh - First Impression

Apr 14th 2011 Written by Matt Galyon
Making an appearance at the SCAA's National Event in Houston in a couple of weeks will be Compak's new line of Fresh Grinders. This line, and specifically the K-10 Fresh, has piqued a lot of interest in the coffee world over the past few months. We'v …