Video Overview | Bonavita BV01002US 8-Cup Coffee Maker
The Bonavita BV01002US is a powerful brewer that offers convenient new features at a remarkably low price. It quickly heats water to a brew temperature of over 200°F (less than 30 seconds), and has 3 easy to use buttons that enable power, pre-soak, and cleaning modes. With the BV01002US's excellent brewing capability, you can enjoy the best quality coffee without breaking the bank. Want to see it in action? Watch along as Ryan demonstrates brewing with the Bonavita BV01002US.
Hey all, Ryan from Prima Coffee Equipment here. Today we're going to be taking a look at Bonavita's newest brewer, the BV01002US. Now this is the next iteration of their classic glass carafe brewer, the BV1800. It has some familiar features, but also has a few new ones that we're going to look at. So you've got the same glass carafe and the number 4 Melitta basket that the BV1800 had. You also have a heating plate which after brewing will keep your coffee hot for one and a half hours. We have the same 1.3 liter reservoir, and down here you can see there's some aesthetic differences with this black plastic and the stainless steel. The Bonavita logo is also much more prominent, but I think the main thing with this one, is instead of that one-button design with the BV1800 which was just on-off, this one has three buttons.
Bonavita BV01002US 8-Cup Coffee MakerTwo brew modes: standard and pre-infusion
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So you can hit the power button, launch directly into a full brew like the BV1800, or what you can do is hit the pre-soak button, then hit your power button, there will be an audible signal and then the brewer is going to start infusing the coffee grounds with a small amount of water and then it's going to let it sit before moving into the full infusion cycle. And basically what that does is allows the coffee to absorb water, release some CO2 and become a little bit more soluble before it starts brewing. The last button down here is clean, and when you press that button the brewer is just going to go through a few brewing cycles. You would use that when you pour de-scaler into the reservoir to rid out any calcium buildup in the flow path, and it'll do another rinse cycle after that. It'll also give you an LED indicator when it's time to clean the brewer, just as a little bit of a reminder.
So as you can see, it's been less than 30 seconds and the brewer heated up that water, and it is already dispensing it over our grounds. The reason that we really love the Bonavita is it has the ability to heat water up to 200 degrees and maybe even beyond and then it disperses that water gently and evenly across a bed of grounds. And essentially, those are all you need to create a great cup of coffee. So for not much money, at a really low price, you can have great coffee just like some of the more expensive brewers out there because it meets those two basic requirements. That's the BV01002US. Thanks so much for watching. Check it out at