Video Overview | Kalita Wave Style Set

Video Overview | Kalita Wave Style Set

Dec 10th 2015 Written by meredithlangley

Sharp and sleek, the Kalita Wave Style Set will make you feel that much more fancy while brewing.


Kalita's Wave Drippers are a great, accessible way to break into manual brewing. The Wave Style Set enhances the Wave experience by adding a convenient carafe and a heaping dose of style.

Hey, Steve of Prima Coffee, here. Today we're taking a look at the Kalita Wave Style Set. Now, you probably recognize this. It looks pretty much like a Kalita Wave stuck in some kind of carafe. That's pretty much what it is. It's just a Kalita Wave 185 Dripper with a little steel skirt thing, and a nice 600ml carafe that you get to brew right into.

Kalita Wave Style Set

The Kalita Wave Style Set combines the large size Wave Glass Dripper and glass server to make the brewing process simple and elegant.

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So, a lot like a Chemex except it takes advantage of the Kalita Wave's flat bottom signature style of brewing. It takes the same 185 filters that you would use in your mug top or just sort of, free-standing Kalita Wave. But just combines it basically in this whole elegant package. So, you're able to brew right around 600ml of coffee. Which is probably around, maybe two large cups, or three or four smaller ones.

And this is a great little set, just because it's nice, it's compact. It's a pretty elegant way to brew; a Kalita Wave. Once you're done brewing, you can just take the whole brewing apparatus off, set it aside and use this to serve.

This brewer is a bit distinct because it's a little bit famous. Aaron McCarthy used one for his World Championship Brewers Cup routine. But we love it just because it adds that convenience of having a carafe to your Kalita Wave brews. It will hold right around 30 to 40 grams, depending on what your brew ratio will be. Otherwise, it brews, essentially, exactly the same as the regular Kalita Wave.

So, not much is changing aside from the fact that you've got the carafe and then you've got the sort of free-standing glass cone to brew your Wave brews in. And that's really it. It's pretty simple. Easy to explain.

Dec 10th 2015 meredithlangley

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