Video Overview | Mazzer Mini Espresso Coffee Grinder

Video Overview | Mazzer Mini Espresso Coffee Grinder

Dec 14th 2014 Written by meredithlangley

Mazzer Mini Espresso Coffee Grinder: The Mazzer Mini may be the smallest of the Mazzer line up, but the grind and build quality matches its older siblings and ensures a solid investment for your espresso setup. The perfect espresso grinding solution for a super low-volume cafe or home espresso set-up.


Hey, I'm Steve from Prima Coffee Equipment, and I'm here today to talk to you about the Mazzer Mini Doser Grinder. Just starting with a brief overview. This is a great grinder for small cafes, low throughput. Because of its small size, it's real compact, it will fit into most places you can put it.

Mazzer Mini Espresso Coffee Grinder

Flat Steel Grinding Burrs: 58 mm, Coffee-bean hopper capacity: 1.3 lbs, Adjustable doser: 5.5g-8g

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It's also not really great for a high volume cafe. A lot of times you'll see these popping up as decaf grinders, in addition to a larger espresso grinder for your normal caffeinated espresso. Real great, nice and compact. Real powerful, as well.

Let me just go down through the details. You've got a 1.3 pound hopper. You have stepless adjustment, all Mazzers are stepless with these adjustment collars, so you just have to twist left or right to go finer or coarser. This particular model comes with a doser. So you have this dosing chamber, you can open it up, you'll see that there is a dosing mechanism, there's a finger guard to prevent any damage, You don't want to stick your fingers in the burrs. All your coffee will come out of here.

You have an adjustable dosing mechanism, you can change how much coffee you're getting out every time you hit the dosing lever. Sweep the dosing lever to dispense your coffee.

This is also the timer version, so you have an adjustable timer here, just twist it further for more coffee, and then you can also set it right back up to zero. This is our 54 mm, flat, steel burrs, nice and sharp, but again, they're small, so you can't really grind that much. We're talking about grinding about 1 gram per second, so for a 20 gram dose you're looking at about 20 seconds of grinding.

Also this grinder has about 3 grams of retention in-between doses, so even though you're grinding into this dosing chamber, there's still going to be a little bit leftover in the shoot in-between the burst and the doser itself, so plan on having a little tiny bit of retention in-between shots.

As for size, it comes in at about 22.5 pounds. We're talking about a little bit over 18 inches tall. But again, nice and small, nice and compact, real great for small low-volume cafe, or just as an auxiliary grinder to have a guest espresso or something like decaf. Thanks for watching.

Dec 14th 2014 meredithlangley

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