Video Overview | Synesso S200 Commercial Espresso Machine
Synesso's S200 Commercial Espresso Machine is a genuine workhorse that's loaded with barista-friendly features. Ambidextrous steam wands, shifter-style paddle groups, and an arcade-style purge function are just a few of the features that make the S200 a joy to use. Plus, it's got quite a bit of power and consistency packed into its small frame, and readily lives up to the reputation for temperature stability and reliability that comes with the Synesso name. To see the complete overview of the S200, watch along as Steve shares on the latest model from Synesso.
Hey guys, this is Steve. We're here at the Specialty Coffee Expo 2018 taking a look at Synesso's newest machine, the S200. So, this is, kind of, a more affordable Synesso machine with a lot of the same build quality and components that you would know and love from their other machines like the Cyncra or the Hydra. So, we've got a two-group machine here. We have a few modifications that make it a little bit different from some of their other machines. It's a little bit simpler build style, not quite as many, you know, like, real thick steel panels and everything, but still a very attractive, kind of modern-styled machine. We've got two groups here using... they're panel groups, but they run just like Synesso's other machines. They're volumetrics.
Synesso S200 Commercial Espresso MachineProgrammable volumetric profiles - 2 per group
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So, starting from the factory, you have two profiles. You can either shift left for one or shift right for the other. So, one and two there. So, they're programmable volumetrics. We have the connected computer controller that you would go in and program your volumetrics in on. Really, really easy to use. Up top, we have these cool, like, arcade-style buttons. They're...a flush for each group head, or to run the hot water one, which falls right in between the two groups. We have cool-touch steam wands, and then we actually have a really cool feature. We have this, like, dual-articulating steam valve.
So, depending on which side you'd prefer to steam on, which side you'd prefer to hold your pitcher on, you're not limited to which side of the machine you can actually use when you're steaming your drinks. So, inside, it's multi-boiler machine. Each group gets a boiler, and then there's a fairly large steam boiler as well. So you got tons of power, lots of consistency for both pulling shots and steaming milk. So, this is the kind of machine that you might want to look for in a higher-volume environment. You just want to crank out your shots, have a reliable machine, and get lots of steaming done, and serve those lattes So, the S200 is up for pre-order now. We're looking at sometime later 2018 for release, maybe like September, October. Really, really excited about this one.