Espresso 101: How Do I Get Started With Espresso?
Aug 12th 2022 Written by Steve Rhinehart
Get started in the alluring world of home espresso with this helpful guide—full of tips for exploring what equipment to buy, how to set a budget, and where you can go beyond beginner gear.
As you watch your barista meticulously grind coffee into a b
The Complete Guide to Pouring Latte Art
Jun 21st 2022 Written by Mike Greene
A complete guide from beginner to more advanced designs, highlighting what you need and what you need to know to pour latte art.
Even if the only requirements for a tasty milk beverage are delicious espresso and luxurious milk, so often the piece
Unboxing | Eagle 1 Prima
Dec 30th 2021 Written by Reagan Jones
Hey guys, it's Ragan from Prima Coffee, and today, we're going to be unboxing Victoria Arduino Eagle One Prima. We're really excited about the Eagle One Prima. It has some unique features that promote sustainability, like its new power feature t
The Art and Science of Tamping
Nov 30th 2021 Written by Steve Morrow
Received wisdom is just that: wisdom received from others. But who are the others and what makes them credible sources? Does what they say amount to wisdom or something else? The received wisdom for tamping, for example—the advice we were told as you
Unboxing | Lelit Bianca
Nov 29th 2021 Written by Reagan Jones
Hey guys, it's Ragan from Prima Coffee. And today, we're going to unbox the Lelit Bianca. So the Bianca is loaded with additional features and accessories that really make it stand out. We love the fact that it comes with two portafilters. You ge
Water for Filter Coffee vs. Espresso
Nov 16th 2021 Written by Ragan LaTour-Kelley
Water is one of the more complicated variables involved in making great coffee and espresso. Spending time researching terms like "bicarbonate" and "chloride" and how they affect your water can leave you feeling like you’re cramming for a chemistry
Unboxing | Cafelat Robot
Sep 21st 2021 Written by Reagan Jones
Cafelot Robot
Check it out!
Capable of true 9 bar extractions
Hey, guys. It's Ragan from Prima Coffee, and today we're going
Espresso 101: What is it?
Oct 29th 2020 Written by Chris Elliott
Many know espresso as a cranial kickstart. For some, it’s a daily delicacy, the elixir of life itself. To others, though, it’s a mystery. If you spell espresso with an “x,” you can’t tell a frapp from a capp, or when I say “demi,” you think “Moore,