Video Overview | Astoria Steam and Hot Water Machine
Whether it's for hot chocolate, tea au laits, or one of your very own creations, there's lots of reasons you might need a stand-alone steam wand. Available with either 1 or 2 steam wands, the AL Steamer from Astoria is designed to produces dry steam in quantity! It also includes a handy hot water tap that's ideal for things like cups of tea or a quick rinse. Watch along to learn more and see the AL Steamer in action, as Steve demonstrates using this fantastic steam machine from Astoria.
Hey, it's Steve with Prima Coffee here. Today we're going to take a look at Astoria's standalone steamer units. Now, these are actually pretty unique. You don't see a lot of these out on the market. But this is basically… It's a steamer, it's pretty much all it does. It's sort of like an espresso machine without the ability to brew coffee. So inside we have a pretty large boiler. In this case on the 2 1 unit, it's a 12-liter boiler with 2,600 watts heating element. You can get this in either 120 or 240 volt. And then we also have a single unit, which is a 70-liter boiler with 2,000 watts of power available in 120 only. So you'll notice I've got two steam wands, I've got a hot water wand, and there's really not much else going on here. We have a drip tray, it's plumbed in and, of course, it's hooked up to either 120 or 240 power.
Astoria AL Steamer | 1 or 2 Steam Wands with Hot Water DispenserStainless steel steam wands
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Really, you know, it's the kind of machine that you would buy if you're in a situation where your current espresso machine, maybe you don't have enough steam wands on it or it doesn't have enough steam power and you need a little bit more, you need more high-volume production for your milk drinks. Or ideally, you know, in a lot of situations there are people who want to do steamed milk and they're not doing coffee, such as tea bars, who want to serve matcha lattes or maybe you're a health food shop and you're doing them more like the turmeric golden milk latte, that sort of thing. So if you don't really have a need or a desire for a full-on espresso machine, this is a really great option to give you the ability to steam milk on demand.
So let's give you a little example of what it performs like. Obviously, as a dedicated steamer, they have quite a bit of power. And we just have simple rotary knobs to turn the steam on and off. Straight steam wands. Four-hole steam tips. Lots of power. And you're able to steam a good micro-foam quality like latte art-quality milk, fairly easily. Operates just like an espresso machine steam wand. And you get good pourable milk, easily. Now, again, we also have the hot water wand there. So the hot water wand is probably not ideal as your main source of hot water, you would want a water boiler, a dedicated water boiler for that sort of thing.
This is intended to create steam. So you have hot water here. It's good for, you know, maybe you want just to add a couple ounces to your matcha, whisk it up and then do your steamed milk on top. That's fine. But definitely don't fill a whole, you know, one to two-liter brewing kettle off of this guy. It'll take a little bit too long to recover and it'll hurt your actual steam capacity. So again, really great option for people who basically just need steam. You don't need a full-on commercial espresso machine, you just need the ability to steam milk, maybe heat some things up and get a little bit of hot water. So that is the Steamer from Astoria. Thanks for watching.